Friday, 18 June 2010

Flying your flag is not racist, it is a celebration of nationhood

I showed a photo to a few of my friends the other day, which pictured a giant red ribbon crossed over a white garage at the front of somebody’s house, completing a delightful St George’s flag (above). The reaction to this picture was immediately a chorus of shock and horror, with half jest, half-serious suggestions that the owners must be paid up members of the BNP. This is a typical response of the leftist, self-righteous, usually middling-class who consider such expressions of patriotism to be tantamount to racism.

They often squirm at the idea that these flags might be flying in a neighbour’s home- the idea that this would bring shame on the neighbourhood. The reaction seems to be embarrassment about waving a flag; almost apologetic for being English. Of course, in true leftist double standards, the flag-flying of other nations in England is to be praised as sign of the success of multiculturalism. It seems it is only their own flag that they have an issue with.

I have always argued that there was something reassuring about England’s lack of expressiveness of its nationality (exemplified by our almost unmarked passing of St George’s Day). I had always thought that we did not need to fly our flag from every building or go crazy on our national day, like the French, Irish or Americans, as we did not feel insecure about our nationality. Unlike the aforementioned countries, our ‘independence’ has been assured for nearly 1000 years (although the EU project threatens like never before) and we need not over-celebrate what is not under threat. I still like this argument, but I fear the reality is our mooted celebration of nationality is linked to the left’s apologetic embarrassment about expressive patriotism. Indeed, there have been a few cases of the dark side of political correctness where England flags have been removed for fear of offence. Offence!? To who!?

In fairness, the whole issue has not been helped by the far-right’s hi-jacking of the St George’s flag which has unfortunately resulted in unwelcome connotations for the flag.

But I say, don’t let the far-right, or the left, or the snooty middle-class worried about the look of the neighbourhood, put you off. Fly the flag! Flags are a wonderful symbol of the individual characters of nations; their enchanting designs are often sub-consciously embedded in our perceptions with that particular country. The wonderful selection of flags currently adorning public houses up and down the land are a colourful, celebratory symbol of a tournament- the World Cup- who’s very existence underlines the success, not of racism or nationalism, but of a world of distinctive and patriotic nation states. Be not ashamed or apologetic. Fly the flag for England and celebrate nationhood!

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Palestine gets its PR coup as Israel blunders, but we all have a stake in seeking a long-term solution

The Israel-Palestine conflict is perhaps the most sensitive and divisive issue in the world that can ever be discussed. With this in mind, I hope to tread carefully into this topic, while also appreciating I am sure to upset some with the following thoughts.

I re-iterate my initial feelings that I tweeted yesterday, that Israel have been a little hard done by to the extent that they have been vilified in the mainstream media. Granted, there were some well-balanced editorials in the Times and the Evening Standard yesterday, but the BBC and Channel 4’s coverage yesterday evening (with a more-than-normal partisan performance from John Snow) were extremely disparaging of Israel’s position.

It is perhaps wise for me next to condemn Israel; they have been responsible for a pathetic blunder of an operation which has culminated in the unnecessary tragic loss of innocent lives. For that they should immediately apologise. However, a few things need to be said in their defence. The flotilla was undoubtedly a deliberately provocative PR stunt. They were repeatedly warned that they would be intercepted yet continued nonetheless. There does not seem to be anything unreasonable about asking a ship to be searched for weapons before it is allowed to reach Gaza. If it were a peaceful aid mission, why would it refuse such a request? If they would rather not deal with Israel, Egypt provided an alternative for the ships to be checked first. It should be noted also that there was no violence on the other ships in the flotilla that adhered with the warnings. It also seems from the footage- as neatly documented by Monday’s article by Melanie Phillips- in the Spectator that the Israeli soldiers were indeed under attack. If it is true that pistols were taken by the protestors, then there is a compelling argument of self defence. I fear that all these facts seem to be lost in a collective, knee-jerk, even a somewhat ‘fashionable’ leftist reaction to automatically impugn Israel.

However, all this does not excuse a shabby and woeful operation that ended with the loss of lives. There were many ways that Israel could have dealt with the situation without the deadly consequences that resulted. The irony of the situation is that they played into the hands of the organisers of the flotilla. They wanted a PR coup, and they certainly achieved that. Israel has shown, too often of late, a disregard for international opinion as well as international law. Whether their response to the criticism that they are simply defending their citizens is valid or not is neither here nor there. This is because their continued strategy at the moment is only a form of futile short-term containment.

Therefore, I hope the international community, particularly Britain, take this disaster as an opportunity to re-focus minds on bringing a practical solution to the blockade situation, and ultimately re-take the long path to the two state solution. If you think this is a far-away conflict that does not affect you, you are gravely mistaken. One only has to look at the widespread protests that occurred all over the world including in London. The next Islamic terrorist attack in this country will have its seeds in this conflict. We therefore all have a stake in seeing this conflict escape from the low it has reached this week.